Archive for Highlander

Mortal Kombat: The Forgotten Highlander Sequel

Posted in Film, Random Blogness with tags , , on February 13, 2011 by Charlie Brooks

Yeah, I think this works.A few weeks back, while I was in the depths of despair after ranting about Highlander: Endgame, I set out on a quest with Sarah to watch a good Christopher Lambert movie. Unfortunately, no such thing exists outside of the original Highlander and perhaps Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan (not having seen all of the latter, I can’t make a final decision). However, there are a lot of mediocre Christopher Lambert movies out there – the type of movie that in itself is not really good cinema, but which is a tolerable way to enjoy Lambert’s eccentric charm. I happen to like Lambert. He’s not the best actor out there, but he can be pretty entertaining to watch when he’s having fun with his roles. Basically, if he’s got his Connor MacLeod laugh somewhere in the film, it’s fairly satisfying as long as the rest of the movie isn’t too stupid. Highlander III is the top movie in this regard – it’s pretty bad, but it’s made entertaining by Lambert reprising his role as Connor combined with Mario Van Peebles doing the most delightful job of scenery chewing he could.

Then there’s Mortal Kombat, which is also not a good movie but one I cannot call bad, either. I mean, it’s basically fight scene after fight scene, but it’s based on a fighting video game. Considering the source material, I think the only real problem I have with it is that they didn’t go all gory in the violence so they could get an R rating. Christopher Lambert plays Raiden, the Chinese god of thunder, in this film, and Sarah and I quickly realized that Mortal Kombat works better as a Highlander sequel than any other actual sequel.

Basically, Raiden from Mortal Kombat is actually Connor MacLeod, somewhat aged and with immense magical power after claiming the Prize. Using his magic power, most of which is derived from the lightning-like quickening, he realized that he can pose as Raiden and do some good in the world (you didn’t really think that the actual Chinese god of thunder would appear as some old European guy, did you?). Thus he turns his attention to supernatural matters and protecting the world from Shan Tsung. For added benefit, if you can tolerate the existence of Highlander II, you can say that the Outworld is actually Zeist, which is why Raiden/Connor loses his power if he goes there. Heck, you could even argue that Kitana might be the daughter of General Katana. After all, like “MacLeod” and “Ramirez,” “Kitana” is a name that just screams Zeist.

Lambert plays Raiden basically the same way he plays Connor, so I say this works out. Sure, it means that Highlander‘s sequel has no actual immortals and little connection to the first movie, but at least Mortal Kombat is a damned sight more entertaining than any live-action Highlander sequel we ever saw.

For an added bonus, you can connect The Shawshank Redemption to Highlander and Mortal Kombat by saying that Byron Hadley was a human alias used by the Kurgan before the Gathering. The Kurgan’s gravelly voice is actually a psychological remnant of Ramirez cutting him, and thus only becomes pronounced when the Kurgan is interacting with other immortals.

These are the things I think of in my spare time.

Highlander: The Search for Vengeance

Posted in Film, Rants with tags , on February 2, 2011 by Charlie Brooks

Proof that there need not be only one when it comes to good Highlander films.There is one more.

Twenty-one years after the original Highlander showed off potential that would never be fully realized, a decade after the TV series had hit the skids, I watched the Russian version of Highlander: The Source and completely gave up on this franchise. Then, in the midst of my throes of agony, someone tipped me off as to the existence of an anime called Highlander: The Search for Vengeance.

This movie has all the elements that make up a bad Highlander film. A post-apocalyptic future. Magic. Ghosts. But you know what? It is awesome.

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Highlander: The Search for Vengeance: Who Wants to Live Forever?

Posted in Music and Videos, Music Videos with tags , , on January 19, 2011 by Charlie Brooks

Following up on my Princes of the Universe video, somebody asked me to do a music video using the other big Queen hit from the first Highlander movie, “Who Wants to Live Forever?” This music video returns to the adventures of Colin MacLeod in Highlander: The Search for Vengeance and focuses on the love story that kept Colin going for over 2,000 years. These quieter scenes are really what makes the movie great, and I plan on exploring them in more detail when my Highlander film rants eventually reach the anime.

You can also download the video as an AVI file right here.

Highlander: The Search for Vengeance: Princes of the Universe

Posted in Music and Videos, Music Videos with tags , , on January 10, 2011 by Charlie Brooks

This is probably the best music video I’ve ever done. The one thing missing from the excellent anime Highlander: The Search for Vengeance was Queen on the soundtrack. So here we have the well-known Highlander theme “Princes of the Universe” alongside some of the best scenes from that film.

You can also download the video as an AVI file right here.