The Worst Adventure Ever: Making it Work

Posted in Rants, RPG Rants, The Worst Adventure Ever with tags , , on May 26, 2011 by Charlie Brooks

This can be a decent adventure. Really.It’s been a while since I dubbed the Avatar Trilogy the worst adventure ever, but there is one question remaining: why do I even have the modules if they suck so badly?

Years ago, I picked up Waterdeep at a yard sale. I tried to run it, but never got it off the ground – very few of my campaigns lasted beyond the first few levels, and I usually shied away from doing mid-level one-shots. Years later, in a 3rd edition game, I decided that I wanted to shake things up in my campaign setting with a Time of Troubles-style event, so I hunted down Shadowdale and Tantras on eBay.

Yeah…I actually bought these monstrosities of my own volition.

And you know what? The game I ran with them turned out to be a lot of fun.

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Crowning Deaths of Awesome and Sadness

Posted in Comic Books, Crowning Moments of Awesome, Rants with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 25, 2011 by Charlie Brooks

Yeah, Superman is on the list.Comic book deaths are a punchline these days. A few years ago when Captain America died, no one expected the death to last more than two years, even though Marvel swore up and down that it would stick (sort of like how Spider-Man unmasking during Civil War was supposed to stick and not get retconned away thanks to a deal with the Devil). Despite the fact that a comic book death currently translates into little more than a cheap sales gimmick, there have still been some really good ones over the years. Even if they didn’t stick, they were chilling, touching, or otherwise hugely influential. What follows is my totally biased opinion of the best deaths comics has had to offer.

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Mortal Kombat: The Forgotten Highlander Sequel

Posted in Film, Random Blogness with tags , , on February 13, 2011 by Charlie Brooks

Yeah, I think this works.A few weeks back, while I was in the depths of despair after ranting about Highlander: Endgame, I set out on a quest with Sarah to watch a good Christopher Lambert movie. Unfortunately, no such thing exists outside of the original Highlander and perhaps Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan (not having seen all of the latter, I can’t make a final decision). However, there are a lot of mediocre Christopher Lambert movies out there – the type of movie that in itself is not really good cinema, but which is a tolerable way to enjoy Lambert’s eccentric charm. I happen to like Lambert. He’s not the best actor out there, but he can be pretty entertaining to watch when he’s having fun with his roles. Basically, if he’s got his Connor MacLeod laugh somewhere in the film, it’s fairly satisfying as long as the rest of the movie isn’t too stupid. Highlander III is the top movie in this regard – it’s pretty bad, but it’s made entertaining by Lambert reprising his role as Connor combined with Mario Van Peebles doing the most delightful job of scenery chewing he could.

Then there’s Mortal Kombat, which is also not a good movie but one I cannot call bad, either. I mean, it’s basically fight scene after fight scene, but it’s based on a fighting video game. Considering the source material, I think the only real problem I have with it is that they didn’t go all gory in the violence so they could get an R rating. Christopher Lambert plays Raiden, the Chinese god of thunder, in this film, and Sarah and I quickly realized that Mortal Kombat works better as a Highlander sequel than any other actual sequel.

Basically, Raiden from Mortal Kombat is actually Connor MacLeod, somewhat aged and with immense magical power after claiming the Prize. Using his magic power, most of which is derived from the lightning-like quickening, he realized that he can pose as Raiden and do some good in the world (you didn’t really think that the actual Chinese god of thunder would appear as some old European guy, did you?). Thus he turns his attention to supernatural matters and protecting the world from Shan Tsung. For added benefit, if you can tolerate the existence of Highlander II, you can say that the Outworld is actually Zeist, which is why Raiden/Connor loses his power if he goes there. Heck, you could even argue that Kitana might be the daughter of General Katana. After all, like “MacLeod” and “Ramirez,” “Kitana” is a name that just screams Zeist.

Lambert plays Raiden basically the same way he plays Connor, so I say this works out. Sure, it means that Highlander‘s sequel has no actual immortals and little connection to the first movie, but at least Mortal Kombat is a damned sight more entertaining than any live-action Highlander sequel we ever saw.

For an added bonus, you can connect The Shawshank Redemption to Highlander and Mortal Kombat by saying that Byron Hadley was a human alias used by the Kurgan before the Gathering. The Kurgan’s gravelly voice is actually a psychological remnant of Ramirez cutting him, and thus only becomes pronounced when the Kurgan is interacting with other immortals.

These are the things I think of in my spare time.

Highlander: The Search for Vengeance

Posted in Film, Rants with tags , on February 2, 2011 by Charlie Brooks

Proof that there need not be only one when it comes to good Highlander films.There is one more.

Twenty-one years after the original Highlander showed off potential that would never be fully realized, a decade after the TV series had hit the skids, I watched the Russian version of Highlander: The Source and completely gave up on this franchise. Then, in the midst of my throes of agony, someone tipped me off as to the existence of an anime called Highlander: The Search for Vengeance.

This movie has all the elements that make up a bad Highlander film. A post-apocalyptic future. Magic. Ghosts. But you know what? It is awesome.

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Batman and Robin versus Captain America and Bucky

Posted in In This Corner with tags , , , on January 25, 2011 by Charlie Brooks

A couple of spandex-clad men and their erosmenos.Batman and Robin have been here before, and are well-known across America. Slightly less well-known is Captain America and that boy he used to date, Bucky. Well, he didn’t actually date Bucky, per se. Instead, he dragged the kid around with him behind enemy lines in World War II to fight the Nazis. Thanks to his callous disregard for a child’s welfare, America was able to defeat Hitler. Now we’re in the modern day, and Batman and Captain America are planning to exploit their kid sidekicks once again in an attempt to show who is the most dynamic duo of all.

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Mario versus a Slinky

Posted in In This Corner with tags , , on January 25, 2011 by Charlie Brooks

Can Mario defeat the thing that makes a slinky sound?We have two timeless celebrities in this battle. First we have Mario, the better half of the Super Mario Brothers video game series (nobody likes Luigi, not even Luigi), as well as one really bad movie. Facing off against the video game hero is the beloved childhood toy and model for countless physics experiments. It’s a spring, a spring, a marvelous thing, and Mario will soon know that’s it’s Slinky.

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Solid Snake versus Mario

Posted in In This Corner with tags , , on January 23, 2011 by Charlie Brooks

Video game icons! Fight!You know, it’s been like two months since I posted the poll for this fight, and I honestly can’t tell you why I envisioned these two facing off against one another. Solid Snake is a secret agent badass known for his stealth and infiltration skills as well as his combat capability. Mario is a plumber who runs around a wacky pastel world constantly saving a princess who gets chronically kidnapped. Despite the fact that they both originated on the old NES console, there’s really not a lot to compare between them. I would have been better off pitting Snake against Samus Aran from the Metroid games, but hindight is 20/20 and all…

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Triangle Man versus Superman

Posted in In This Corner with tags , on January 22, 2011 by Charlie Brooks

A special non-fightA special non-fight

Triangle Man comes from the song “Particle Man” by They Might be Giants. does everything a triangle can. Superman is faster than a speeding bullet, yadda yadda yadda. He’s back. I know I told you he died, but if DC got to bring him back when the book was less popular than my webpage, then I get to do it too. FOR NO PARTICULAR REASON!!!

I promised everyone a special non-fight, and here it is:

Triangle Man, Triangle Man
Triangle Man hates Superman.
They have a fight, Triangle wins.
Triangle Man.

Rounds one, two and three go to Triangle Man…what did you think I meant by a non-fight???

Mario and Yoshi versus Gumby and Pokey

Posted in In This Corner with tags , , , , on January 21, 2011 by Charlie Brooks

I don't know which is creepier...the mounts or their riders.Mario is the central figure to one of the most successful franchises in the world. Yoshi is some sort of amphibious dinosaur creature that can catch something as large as himself with his tongue and swallow it whole. He can sometimes fly a bit, and can occasionally shoot fireballs, among other things. Gumby and Pokey don’t have the huge video game franchise that Mario and Yoshi have, but they’ve managed to carve a niche out of nostalgia of their own. They’re a pair of clay figurines that run around in the land of toys and make-believe. Well, they don’t run, per se. They really just skate across the land on one foot, since it would have been a pain to animate the claymation figures moving step by step in the 1950s when Gumby was created.

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Dr. Evil versus Commando Cody

Posted in In This Corner with tags , on January 21, 2011 by Charlie Brooks

Dr. Evil takes a break from fighting James Bond knockoffs.Doctor Evil is no stranger to this page, having already made multiple appearances, including the very first fight ever to grace this page against Doctor Doom. He’s an evil genius…well, an evil doctor. Commando Cody dates back to the 1950s, and is the second rocketman in serial history. He starred in three serials, Radar Men From the Moon, Zombies of the Stratosphere, and Commando Cody, Sky Marshall of the Universe. This fight draws largely from a parody version of him from a site called Twisted Mojo, which unfortunately seems to have disappeared these days.

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