Archive for the Faces in the Black Category


Posted in Faces in the Black, Role-Playing Games, Serenity with tags on January 18, 2011 by Charlie Brooks

Yosaffbridge herselfSaffron is a very alluring redhead who usually has a very innocent look about her. The innocent look is nothing but a ruse. When she shows her true self, which is rare, she is cocky and arrogant, but no less beautiful. Saffron knows that he looks and her training drive men wild. In fact. that’s what she relies on when it comes to pulling a job.

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Adelei Niska

Posted in Faces in the Black, Role-Playing Games, Serenity with tags on January 13, 2011 by Charlie Brooks

My reputation is more than just words.Were it not for Adelei Niska’s brutal reputation, he might be able to pass for a legitimate businessman from the old country. He is small in stature and bald, with a pair of gold-rimmed glasses. He wears fine suits, usually appears well-mannered, and speaks with a thick accent. The simplicity and elegance of Niska’s appearance lends to the horror of his reputation, though. He maintains his calm demeanor and eloquent speech even when angry, and always keeps his philosophical banter going during long torture sessions. Those who haven’t heard of Niska might not think that they’re dealing with much, but he tends to change people’s minds very quickly.

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