Archive for Vampire Hunter D

Vampire Hunter D: The Phantom of the Opera

Posted in Music and Videos, Music Videos with tags , , on January 8, 2011 by Charlie Brooks

This is the first music video I did to Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust, using a techno remix of “The Phantom of the Opera.” The remix comes from one of the Dance Dance Revolution games, but I’m unfortunately not sure which one.

You can also download the video as an AVI file right here.

Vampire Hunter D: Liberi Fatali

Posted in Music and Videos, Music Videos with tags , , on January 1, 2011 by Charlie Brooks

I’m not a huge fan of the first Vampire Hunter D movie, but the second one, Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust, rocks hard. The director, Yoshiaki Kawajiri, gets bonus points not only for turning a previously one-dimensional story into something intriguing and tragic, but also for later adding a good final coda to the ill-fated Highlander franchise with Highlander: The Search for Vengeance. This video focuses only on his Vampire Hunter D work, combining Bloodlust with Nobuo Uematsu’s theme from Final Fantasy VIII, “Liberi Fatali.”

You can also download the video as an AVI file right here.