Archive for Religion


Posted in Life in General, Rants with tags on January 13, 2011 by Charlie Brooks

Repent, sinners!I’ve been hearing a lot about the book of Leviticus lately. Because I’m interested in the many ways that I and those around me are continually damning ourselves, I figured I’d check it out for myself. I found some interesting passages, some of which are quoted below (quotes come from the King James version of the Bible).

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Charlie versus God

Posted in Life in General, Rants with tags on January 7, 2011 by Charlie Brooks

Admittedly, a fight between me and god would go something like this.Okay, here is my fundamental disconnect with religion.

God tells Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac as a testament of his faith. Despite not wanting to kill his child, Abraham does so because God commanded it. At the last moment, God tells Abraham to stay his hand and sacrifice a lamb instead. God explains that He just wanted to test Abraham’s faith and loyalty.

For some reason, Abraham doesn’t point out that God has just been a tremendous douchebag.

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About Gay Marriage

Posted in Life in General, Rants with tags , on December 14, 2010 by Charlie Brooks

My god! That happy couple must be stopped!Gay marriage in the United States is one of those debates that just boggles my mind. It baffles me that it’s even a debate. But I guess that’s what you get around election time when people know that a good way of getting votes is to get self-righteous morons enraged about something that shouldn’t even be a question in the first place.

So…should homosexuals be allowed to marry?

For Zombie Jesus’ fucking sake, why shouldn’t they?! Continue reading