Archive for the Music and Videos Category

A Tale of Two Sarahs

Posted in Music and Videos, Music Videos with tags on January 17, 2011 by Charlie Brooks

A few years ago, my wife Sarah set out to lose a ton of weight. She totally succeeded, dropping 123 pounds in about a year. This video showcases her weight loss, put to the song “Slip Sliding Away” by Paul Simon.

You can also download the video as an AVI file right here.

Sky Captain Sarajevo

Posted in Music and Videos, Music Videos with tags , on January 14, 2011 by Charlie Brooks

Click here to download the video.

Click here to download the video.

Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow is one of those movies that a lot of people criticized but that I felt was totally brilliant. It perfectly captured the feel of a pulp serial to me. In honor of what I feel is an excellent film, here’s Sky Captain lined up with “Christmas Eve Sarajevo” by the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. Just click on the giant robot to download the music video.

Dragonball Z: Scum of the Earth

Posted in Music and Videos, Music Videos with tags , , , , on January 13, 2011 by Charlie Brooks
Click here to download the video.

Click here to download the video.

Yeah, I used to actually like Dragonball Z. The shows got some interesting elements to it, a fascinating examination of honor in combat, and some good character development. It’s a shame that it’s just so very long, though. Eventually, I gave up on the series because so little happens per episode. A fan edit of the series is supposedly out there that cuts out the filler and condenses the show, so maybe I’ll check that out sometime.

Anyway, this video is to Rob Zombie’s “Scum of the Earth.” It uses Dragonball Z, Dragonball GT, and several Dragonball Z movies for clips. Just click on the uber-powerful alien dictator to download the video.

Final Fantasy VIII: Saving Grace

Posted in Music and Videos, Music Videos with tags , on January 13, 2011 by Charlie Brooks

This video features the love story between Squall and Rinoa from Final Fantasy VIII, put to the song “Saving Grace” by the Cranberries.

Back when my wife Sarah and I were just friend who ate dinner together, I showed her this music video as a way of flirting with her. It totally worked. See, nerds can be romantic, too!

You can also download the video as an AVI file right here.

Memorial Day 2010: Remember

Posted in Music and Videos, Music Videos on January 12, 2011 by Charlie Brooks

This is a particularly beautiful video done by my wife Sarah. She provides the singing and the pictures, which were taken at a Memorial Day celebration in 2010.

You can also download the video as an AVI file right here.

Red Dwarf Picture Show

Posted in Music and Videos, Music Videos with tags , , on January 12, 2011 by Charlie Brooks

This is another music video put together by my wife Sarah. Clips come from Red Dwarf, and the music is “Science Fiction Double Feature” as performed by Me First and the Gimme Gimmes.

You can also download the video as an AVI file right here.

Reavers in the Sky

Posted in Music and Videos, Music Videos with tags , on January 12, 2011 by Charlie Brooks

As a movie, Serenity had its flaws, but it still entertained. Johnny Cash fits in well with the Firefly universe’s western themes, and this video puts the movie together with his rendition of “Ghost Riders in the Sky.”

You can also download the video as an AVI file right here.

Putting on the Doom

Posted in Music and Videos, Music Videos with tags , on January 11, 2011 by Charlie Brooks
Click to download video.

Click to download video.

For those who missed it, Invader Zim was a fabulous little show on Nickelodeon that wasn’t canceled due to poor ratings but rather due to the fact that it pulled in an audience older than Nickelodeon’s target demographic. I don’t know why Nickelodeon thought a show created by the writer of Johnny the Homicidal Maniac would be targeted toward young kids, but it seems that TV executives are morons.

Anyway, this fun little video puts some of the early episodes of Invader Zim to the music of Fred Astaire’s “Putting on the Ritz.” I quite like the timing I managed to get with this one, and had a lot of fun with the video in general. Click on the picture of the cleverly disguised definitely-not-an-alien to download the video.

Highlander: The Search for Vengeance: Princes of the Universe

Posted in Music and Videos, Music Videos with tags , , on January 10, 2011 by Charlie Brooks

This is probably the best music video I’ve ever done. The one thing missing from the excellent anime Highlander: The Search for Vengeance was Queen on the soundtrack. So here we have the well-known Highlander theme “Princes of the Universe” alongside some of the best scenes from that film.

You can also download the video as an AVI file right here.

The Incredibles: Pioneer

Posted in Music and Videos, Music Videos with tags , on January 9, 2011 by Charlie Brooks

Let’s play more of “combine two of my favorite things!” Up for today: Tenchi Muyo! and The Incredibles. While no clips from Tenchi make it into this video, the music used is “Pioneer,” which was played during the opening of the Tenchi Muyo! OAV. Enjoy!

You can also download the video as an AVI file right here.